Paradise Inn Windsor Palace Hotel i Alexandria Governorate

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EgyptenParadise Inn Windsor Palace Hotel


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El-Gaish Road, Qesm Al Attarin, Alexandria Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 3 4808123
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.200488, Longitude: 29.896751

kommentar 5

  • Jane Elliott

    Jane Elliott


    Although we were staying at the Metropole Hotel, we always make a point of watching the sunset from the Sky Roof at the Paradise Windsor. We were pleasantly surprised when we arrived as the Sky Roof has been refurbished with a fresh new look and exciting new menu. The view is as spectacular as ever, the food was delicious and we enjoyed cocktails while the sun set over the bay. No visit to Alexandria would be complete without a cocktail at the Windsor Palace!

  • Samer Helmy

    Samer Helmy


    Very antique kind of a hotel and you keep interacting with very warm, helpful and professional staff; from the front desk, concierge, room service everyone is really friendly and well trained. However I give it 3 stars only, because the place needs serious maintenance and more attention to cleaning. Corridors are very dark too

  • en

    Jamie Stark


    Great place to stay. The Hotel staff are extremely helpfull and well spoken. The front rooms have a great view of the harbour. The dining room is on the top floor with fantastic views. Will go back there if in Alexandria again.

  • en

    Dmitry Kuchumov


    Hotel itself is great . But the room which suppose to be 35sqm ended up just like a chamber size.. Upsetting.. But location of the hotel is perfect..

  • en

    Nader Fam


    Spectacular location in the heart of the city with wonderful view overseeing the Mediterranean. Service is really good. Furniture and style is very classical and brings you back to the classy 40's. The place was originally one of the guesthouses for top VIPs.

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