Ramsis Hotel i Alexandria Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenRamsis Hotel


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11, Moursy Gameel Aziz, Qesm Al Attarin, Alexandria Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 3 4869620
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Latitude: 31.2055064, Longitude: 29.9050051

kommentar 5

  • Mohamed M

    Mohamed M


    Good value for money But beds is not good and place is very small

  • en

    OMAR kamal


    Its ok, good sea view, fair room for its cheap price, The only problem, the matress and the pillows are very bad, if you appreciate sleeping, you wont be happy, if you're not staying in your bedroom for too long, its the perfect place for cheap hotels

  • Mohamed Ezz

    Mohamed Ezz


    friendly staff .. old traditional place .. lovely view and the receptionist looks like vandam :D

  • en

    J H


    The whole hotel is in very poor condition, the rooms are a mess, the beds dirty. The stuff is unfriendly, I can only recommend to avoid this place.

  • Mohammed Taha

    Mohammed Taha


    Really cool historical hotel, centrally located Alexandria, great decor, the hotel was great; all the art decor in this hotel was superb. Staff is amazingly and cooperated, nice Rooms are very clean and very comfortable. them. The bathrooms were very old but it’s ok for someone doesn't need to stay to mush in the rоом,Enjoy your day” as we passed

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