Mohamed Naguib i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenMohamed Naguib


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Al Balaqsah, Abdeen, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20
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Latitude: 30.0453216, Longitude: 31.2441623

kommentar 5

  • A I

    A I


    This station is in a relatively less crowded area. The station itself is not the most crowded, and it’s place serves as a good meeting point to start a trip from. — Here’s how the Cairo metro ticket system works: - Buy a one use yellow ticket - Use it to check in the metro grounds (the check in machine will return the ticket for you, save it - From here you can use the metro to go anywhere and take however long you need. It does not matter how many stations you ride or to where or at what time of day. - Once at your destination, use the used ticket to check-out of the metro grounds. This time the machine won’t be returning your ticket as it’s no longer usable Alternative method: - Buy a rechargeable metro magnetic card & top it - Pass the card on a machine to check in (the machine will show you how much credit you got left in the card.) this card can be used by anyone so if you’re a group and you will always travel together, you can just purchase one card and once the first member checks in, he will pass on the card to the next one to check in & so on. - Once at your destination, you will need to use your card to check out. Again, each of your group can checkout using the same card as long as they checked in using it. I suggest you either buy a rechargeable magnetic card and top it every once in a very long while, that way you will save both time and headaches from standing in the primitive “queue” as well as decrease the chance anyone will get too close from you. If you’re not up to buying the magnetic card, you can also buy multiple one-time access tickets at once. They don’t have an expiration date. Just ensure to keep the unused ones separate from the ones you use currently as you need to check-out of whatever metro station you’re headed to using the ticket you used while checking-in in the first one. You can’t use a new ticket to check out and you risk penalty charge if you lose the check-in ticket without using it to check out. See why I said save yourself the trouble and purchase rechargeable magnetic cards?

  • Ahmed Mashhour

    Ahmed Mashhour


    Not crowded, located at a very important location.

  • Kerlous Nashat

    Kerlous Nashat


    2nd line underground metro station services down town,abdeen areas

  • Ahmed Eishra

    Ahmed Eishra


    Less crowded than Sadat station and could be used as alternative to get to downtown

  • Omar Tamer

    Omar Tamer


    I love this mohamed farid

nærmeste Metrostation

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