العتبة i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ghayt Al Adah, Abdeen, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20
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Latitude: 30.052346, Longitude: 31.246803

kommentar 5

  • The Shepherds Corner Co.

    The Shepherds Corner Co.


    The worst , Most of Exits are Closed . Every time You have to ask for directions even though there is pointed signs but you need to ask for guidance , dirty WC's as usual , it is rare if you found it empty , but after all & all It is one of the most important metro stations

  • en

    Hany Mostafa


    Khara , crowded and polluted place , every thing is there lowest price , full of fake products, take care from thieves and sharpers !!

  • Ahmed Mashhour

    Ahmed Mashhour


    The most crowded, the worst managed station cause there is crossover from other metro lines.

  • Abdul Ghani

    Abdul Ghani


    the most Central Metro Station, will bring you anywhere while traveling in Cairo.

  • mohammed M salah eldin

    mohammed M salah eldin


    Attaba metro station transtion station between 2 and 3rd line and lies at end of 26 of july where gamal abd el nassar of 1st line is at start of 26 july street. It lies betwwen El attab square and el opera squra , opera garage ,national theater and puplic bus station below attab garage . Main adminstrative builing for egyptian post and also firefighting facility . You also can reach for abdeen square and abdeen palace & cairo governorate builing .

nærmeste Metrostation

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