Cherry Maryski Hotel i Alexandria Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenCherry Maryski Hotel



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9, Mohammed Farid, 21528, Qesm Al Attarin, Alexandria Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 3 4881111
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.198387, Longitude: 29.895614

kommentar 5

  • Mikel MAher

    Mikel MAher


    Long waiting time for unready rooms Not 24 hours working reception Unprofessional people and uncooperative personnel Even there is No space in the reception to wait only 2 chairs Not helpful to give me a receipt for my stay as the finance people start working at 8 and i have to check out in the early morning Wifi is not working in the reception The room was good and clean The food is good also I am not recommnding for anyone

  • Black Prince

    Black Prince


    The rooms are clean, the food is good. Very overpriced considering the inconvenient location, lack of view and lack of parking. This place should be priced like motels, no matter how high their building is. For the first time in my life, I spent 45 minutes to check in. I had prior reservation and I was alone at the counter so don't think that I spent all this time because there was a crowd or because they were trying to find me a room. In short: something is not right about this place.

  • en

    The Truth Will Set You Free 123


    Had tonoay an arm and leg, nowadays I am staying in a good motel like place close to the Mandara railway station. It is called Mandara Hotel and it is for EGP 80/night

  • Samad Abdul

    Samad Abdul


    It was a very nice experience. Room was good, service was good, but no internet in the room.

  • Raed Abbas

    Raed Abbas


    Nice hotel. Lovely staff. Good food. Maybe better off with an easier location to find. The prices are not the cheapest. But it's much better than many other hotels in the town. The diving centre is a great addition and definitely an awesome experience.

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