Movenpick Hotel Ferry i أسوان

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EgyptenMovenpick Hotel Ferry


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ش كورنيش النيل, قسم أسوان, أسوان, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 97 2315100
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.0929364, Longitude: 32.8955417

kommentar 5




    Absolutely loved The Isis Corniche in Aswan. Stunning location friendly staff, nice clean rooms, and meals were good. Curtis and Cheryl Woodside from South Africa. I highly recommend this Hotel. Take the Felucca to the Nubian Village close to the Aswan Dam Wall, or visit Kitchener Island on the way. We have been to the village twice and enjoyed excellent meals there. The hotel has a great pool and terrace menu. The breakfasts are really good and they will also pack you a breakfast pack to take if you need to go to Abu Simble early. The Isis Corniche is situated very close to some of the Nile Cruises which depart nearby, namely the Radamis11. The pool is stunning and very nice to cool off in while having a cold beer! Sakarra Beer is great!

  • Gasser Anwar

    Gasser Anwar


    It's the Ferry Boat to Moven Pick resort / Aswan.

  • basma osman

    basma osman


    Cozy and warm place.. The view from the other side is wonderful

  • Zack Tabor

    Zack Tabor


    Great little inexpensive hotel on the Nile river nestled in the center of Aswan. Fantastic staff, very helpful when arranging activities. The feluca boats will pick you up right from the hotel docks. The legendary Aswan bizarre is directly across the street from this location.

  • en

    Karim George


    The hotel location is very nice, infront of the commercial street, stunning view of the Nile with the restaurant and the pool area Nile view. Rooms are very reasonable in size, and furniture. Most of the staff is nice and responsive. Reasonable accommodation and fair price. The cons are; The hotel needs a lot of maintenance and upgrades, including non closing bathroom door, safe wasn't working ( was replaced on request), pool is not heated, not all areas are wheelchair accessible. Room toilet definitely needs upgrade.

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