Memnon Hotel i أسوان

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenMemnon Hotel


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ش كورنيش النيل, قسم أسوان, أسوان, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 97 2300483
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Latitude: 24.089378, Longitude: 32.89483

kommentar 5

  • Martin Louis

    Martin Louis


    Not bad

  • Tamer Hakoum

    Tamer Hakoum


    A good hotel with views over the Nile and moderate accommodation prices close to the tourist market and the center of the country

  • Lisa Pemberton

    Lisa Pemberton


    Dirty, old and more like a cheap hostel than a hotel. Wifi not accessible in all the rooms.

  • Omar Nour El-Din

    Omar Nour El-Din


    the hotel is bad , really bad. first the elevator isn't working. the furniture at the room is so old and bad. the blankets are so bad. the bathroom is so small. no soap, no shampoo, no shower gel there's no even towels. the only thing about that place is the nile view, the view from the room was beautiful

  • Daniel Brvnišťan

    Daniel Brvnišťan


    The Nile view is plus and minus - you get a lot of noise from the Nile Corniche street 24/7. The windows don't seal really, which also means the rooms are cold (January), added by the fact there is no heating (which is however true of almost all places in Egypt). The room and bathroom was clean, although a bit old (tiles fallen off, missing pieces of bed :-) ). But okay for 120 EGP / 6 USD per night, IMO. They aranged an Abu Simbel tour for the next morning (3:15 am :-( ) for 150 EGP.

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