Philae Hotel i Aswan Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenPhilae Hotel



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79 Cornish El Nil St, Sheyakhah Thalethah, Qism Aswan, Aswan Governorate 81111, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 97 2465090
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.088979, Longitude: 32.894364

kommentar 5

  • en

    Katrina Fawcett


    Nice friendly place. Good rooms.

  • Morgan Hill

    Morgan Hill


    This hotel was right on the nile, and it was clean and comfortable. Excellent value, and good breakfast! Staff was friendly. We didn't book any tours through the hotel so I cannot comment on their quality.

  • en

    Guy Barnish


    We enjoyed our stay at the hotel. It was newly decorated, and clean and fresh. The breakfasts were excellent, and the staff were friendly. The hotel is situated at the southern end of the Corniche, and is convenient for the souk, shops, ferries and of course taxis and caleches. The only drawback was that the internet was not too good.

  • en

    Jutharat Hardkaew


    The room is clean and the staffs are friendly and helpful. We asked them to book the trip to Abu Simbel and they prepared breakfast box for us as we had to leave hotel on early morning. Totally recommend.

  • en

    Benny P


    The rooms are great: very spacious, cleaned daily, the king size bed was the best we had in Egypt and the bathroom was spotless with a good shower/bath. The staff at the reception was always ready to help and booked a lovely two day cruise for us to Luxor, on a day's notice, for a very reasonable price (we compared with other venues). The location right on the riverbed is ideal! Even the WiFi was working well in our room (rare in Egypt) I clearly recommend it!

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