New Garden Palace Hotel i محافظة القاهرة‬

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EgyptenNew Garden Palace Hotel


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11, Modereyat El Tahrir St., قصر النيل, محافظة القاهرة‬, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 27963630
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Latitude: 30.0353578, Longitude: 31.233316

kommentar 5

  • joe man

    joe man


    Not a clean place to enter,ppl not polite as well.

  • Kendra Solo

    Kendra Solo


    You get what you pay for, kind of... Although staff is friendly and helpful, the rooms really need to be renovated or updated. The carpeting and walls are lackluster, AC's work but are pretty ancient. Rooftop is a really nice spot for a coffee or beer, but ask for the menu or pricing before ordering, some staff are known for overcharging and pocketing the extra. It's a budget travellers hotel, in a good central location, but you can find better for this price range. They do allow pets, which is a plus!

  • en

    amal elmighouar


    Bad and dirty place. The hotel manager ptetend not having payed by credit card and asked me to repay in cash befote having key. Dont go there you waist your time

  • Mohamed El.hattab

    Mohamed El.hattab


    Very very bad place... Not clean.. Staff are not friendly neither not professional... Very expensive for the very low quality service... Plz don't go!

  • saaid hassan

    saaid hassan


    Bad place with expensive price, rude, in polite hosting.

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