Mobil Station محطة وقود i Cairo Governorate

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EgyptenMobil Station محطة وقود



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Bab Al Louq, Abdeen, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20
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Latitude: 30.0464538, Longitude: 31.241111

kommentar 2

  • Sallam Lotfy

    Sallam Lotfy


    Need more care

  • en

    Hisham Salman


    The station is very old and in desperate need of renovation, it even has no mart. I had the worst car washing service ever, the employees are so lazy, rude and are not passionate about their job, the station is renting a place to a bunch of guys who claims their ability to enhance the performance through cleaning the cooling system, don't ever adhere to them if they offered, they will rip you off selling you unoriginal STP products for a fortune, even more than the original product might cost, just avoid.

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