Kidzania Cairo i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenKidzania Cairo



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Cairo Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 16593
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Latitude: 30.0312412, Longitude: 31.4056957

kommentar 5

  • en

    ramy reda


    Very nice place to spend a day out with your kids. They will gain experience and knowlwdge. Kind of expensive

  • en

    Omar Saleh


    Interesting place for kids boring for grownups. It is very much overpriced. However my kids loved it and may come back there some other time.

  • en

    Moamen Ibrahim


    Kids are enjoying there time, a lot of Fun, great staff. Very nice experience

  • Mostafa ismael

    Mostafa ismael


    Amazing place for kids as they play the adults role and also there is restaurants for adults am really enjoyed the experience I do recommend the parents to visit that city with their kids there a lot of activities there and it is very secure you can leave ur kids there with no worry simply everything is perfect in the place

  • Farid Attaalla

    Farid Attaalla


    What an amazing place for children! Being able to "work" in different industries and get a glimpse into what those people do is fantastic. The children were entertained for hours and didn't want to leave. At the end they banked there hard earned money for the next time we visit. The more they save, the better the item they can buy.

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