Giza Zoo i Giza Governorate

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EgyptenGiza Zoo



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Charles De Gaulle, Oula, Giza, Giza Governorate 12612, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 35701552
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Latitude: 30.0226574, Longitude: 31.2136607

kommentar 5

  • mido ramaden

    mido ramaden


    Great historical place .. Cheap and normal prices.. Need more cleaning and caring about the animals... Recommend the animal's museum had a very good collection for animal's skulls and remains .. Overall if you want a cheap nice journey, you can go there

  • Abdallah Mahmoud

    Abdallah Mahmoud


    Great place for my children, we loved it and used to go many times , just chill out with the family and enjoy the green zone which is we all miss in Cairo or Giza.. The animals cages is good enough to take a photos with them also you can visit the Orman garden while you are there

  • en

    Nora Shehata


    Very good zoo. Nicely set up to see animals, and possibly even help feed them. I would have liked to see more animals since some were absent (only one giraffe and 1 zebra, no kangaroos, but the rest were there.

  • en

    preeti vijay


    Excellent place. Good set of animals and good nos. Can see from close distance Have added entertainment Park with less rate. Full value for time and money. Should plan to go early.

  • en

    Khaled Zaki


    The zoo in Cairo (Giza) is one of the oldest zoos in the world. It is very big and very old. It has some of the oldest trees you can find ever. The zoo has a wide range of animals but still had and should have more. The zoo needs more maintenance for sure and some improved outlets. However I still see that it is very good value for money and it is classic. It is an underrated place

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