Frank and Co i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenFrank and Co



🕗 åbningstider

11, Street 18, Al Maadi, Cairo Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 106 545 8547
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.9579588, Longitude: 31.2691937

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kateryna Troino


    I love the atmosphere, the place and the food! The owner is very nice as well, so I would definitely recommend to visit this place! Though I always had issues with soft drinks and there is neither imported alcohol nor bringing your own bottle in allowed at the moment.

  • en

    Dmitry Kuchumov


    Excellent place to have some drinks with friends. Nice atmosphere, interesting people. Didn't try yet food, but will report later.

  • Mohamed Sultan

    Mohamed Sultan


    It is a nice place and quiet comparing to the surrounding restaurants. They have a relatively good menu but they also have a bar which is very rare in Maadi. They do not serve breakfast after 1:00 pm. They need to change the layout of the menu to become more usable.

  • Ms. Melissa Balan

    Ms. Melissa Balan


    The decor is classy. There is both indoor seating and outdoor. The wait staff are professional. The food was excellent (we had breakfast fare). The only thing was that the pancakes came out a ways after the more complicated meals (kids were hungry). I'd like to come back to try the dinner offerings. It was a nice alternative to over-crowded Ovio for breakfast. We were a large group. Lots of space for us to be together and they took a reservation for it.

  • Ivica Mihaljevic

    Ivica Mihaljevic


    very pleasant spot for hanging out in Maadi. They do serve alcohol. beer is around 50 poinds. food menu looked nice. Thursdays and Fridays it gets very busy and probably you should try to reserve. they don't have entrance policy as long as you are decent they will let you in. service is excellent

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