Faculty Of Electronic Engineering - Menofia University i المنوفية

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EgyptenFaculty Of Electronic Engineering - Menofia University



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El Mostashfa St., EL MONOFEYA, المنوفية, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 48 3661517
internet side: mu.menofia.edu.eg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 30.473394, Longitude: 30.927081

kommentar 5

  • mohamed moawad

    mohamed moawad


    Worst ever :(

  • Hassnaa Mohammed

    Hassnaa Mohammed


    I love my faculty sooooo much My second home😘

  • hesham unes

    hesham unes


    My second home my faculty

  • en

    Usama Kabel


    My Great Faculty I love it so much

  • Akmal Aref

    Akmal Aref


    The Faculty of Electronic Engineering was formally designated and established in the city of menouf as the Higher Institute of Electronics under supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, in 1964. The menouf city lies to the south west of delta at about 65 km north of Cairo. Later, in 1975, the institute has been merged with Tanta University under the name of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. The decision was taken to establish a specialized faculty that awards B.Sc. degree in engineering in the field of electronics. In 1976, the Faculty of Electronic Engineering became a member of the Menoufiya University that was established at that time. Until now, the Faculty of Electronic Engineering is the only specialized Faculty in this field in Egypt. Other universities may include only departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The Faculty of Electronic Engineering awards the following grades: * B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering in the following specialization: -Electronics and communication Engineering. -Computer Science and Engineering. -Automatic Control Engineering. * Diploma in Electronic Engineering. * M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering. * Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering. The B.Sc. degree is awarded after the student successfully completing a full-time study of five academic years (preparatory Year + 4 years). After the student successfully completes the second year, he has to be directed to one of the faculty departments to enhance his knowledge in a certain specialization of the faculty.

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