El Horreya Cafe And Bar i محافظة القاهرة‬

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EgyptenEl Horreya Cafe And Bar



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2, Off Bab El Louq St., El Falaky Sq., عابدين, محافظة القاهرة‬, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 23920397
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Latitude: 30.0452061, Longitude: 31.2404746

kommentar 5

  • omar el-khamy

    omar el-khamy


    A good place for expats & foreigners to enjoy a beer and the local atmosphere, my problem is that it’s very loud, you can’t even hear your friends talk. And the service there is very formal. The guys don’t even smile. The place is always crowded but you can always have a place to sit. The prices there are very cheap a beer costs 30 LE and a coffee costs 7 LE, so you can have a drink there even if you’re broke.

  • Nader Ibrahim

    Nader Ibrahim


    a well known cafe and bar in downtown that attracts a cosmopolitan crowd. don't forget to clap when the next bottle falls

  • Caroline Karmy

    Caroline Karmy


    It only has beer, no food of any kind but you can buy your own food, it's kind of an oriental local café that services beer. However, one of the waiters there is weirdly friendly and verbal harasser, his name is Milad, stay away from him.

  • Kendra Solo

    Kendra Solo


    Local watering hole. Popular with the downtown crowd, tourists, expats and a mix of locals. Staff hasn't changed in ages, go a couple times and you'll be treated like a regular. Fun place to meet friends, it can get packed on the weekends. You can sip your beer, get your shoes shined and buy a newspaper. ;)

  • en

    Steve Tutty


    A great place to spend a few hours enjoying the Stella beer and watching/listening to the world’s problems being analysed and solved. I always enjoy my evenings at El Horreya Cafe/Bar. Great crowd and very helpful bar staff. Really worth a visit

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