Cordi Jesu Roman Catholic Church i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenCordi Jesu Roman Catholic Church


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Abd El-Khalik Tharwat, 11111, Qasr an Nile, Cairo Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 25758272
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Latitude: 30.0518353, Longitude: 31.237821

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marina Formal


    I like it

  • Ahmad Ali

    Ahmad Ali


    Spiritual place, honor Egypt.

  • Gary Sant

    Gary Sant


    I remember going to church on Sundays. We used to call this church "Sacro Cuore". I remember there was a youth club in the basement. I think it was called "il circolo di Sant Antonio". Not sure though.

  • en

    wael kahil


    A cute nice Roman Catholic Chruch with a nice community right down town Cairo.

  • Diego Dalle Carbonare

    Diego Dalle Carbonare


    A church committed to dialogue and encounter between the different social and cultural faces of Cairo, be them from Egypt or the World at large. A HEART FOR THE WORLD

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