Boutique Spa i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenBoutique Spa



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15, Sri Lanka Street, Zamalek, Cairo Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 27370277
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Latitude: 30.0583021, Longitude: 31.2220287

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christy Barni


    I walked around Zamalek looking for a relaxing spa experience and ended up coming to Boutique Spa as it had excellent reviews. I had a one hour massage and it was amazing! I highly recommend the spa if you are looking for a clean and relaxing experience in Cairo. The spa takes credit cards and the total cost for the massage was around 35 USD.

  • en

    Aliaa M. Abaza


    Beautiful spa in Zamalek. Facilities are very nice and clean. I did a Swedish massage and loved it.

  • Nivea Leavell

    Nivea Leavell


    Great service!!!! Beautiful ambiance. I will surly come back again. They body scrub, golden Facial and massage spa treatments are incredible !!!

  • Norith la torre

    Norith la torre


    I had a great experience. They spoke good english, answered all my concerns, were very friendly and at last the results of the massage session were great. I felt absolutely relaxed and pleased. I totally recommend because they surpassed my expectations

  • Lucia Gabrielli

    Lucia Gabrielli


    Very calm atmosphere, trained staff, clean and inviting place. Lady at the reception speaks good English.

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