Arabella Azur Resort i البحر الأحمر

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EgyptenArabella Azur Resort


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طريق الكورنيش السقالة, قسم الغردقة, البحر الأحمر, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 65 3615086
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Latitude: 27.2401936, Longitude: 33.8462527

kommentar 5

  • Ramy Hashish

    Ramy Hashish


    Loved the coral reef snorkeling spot in the hotel's beach, animation team and the evening theatre offers good shows, the style of the buildings and the landscape looks nice...

  • Tarek Fouad

    Tarek Fouad


    one of the best Hotels i ever stayed in. Service, food, hospitality and facilities are all the best :)

  • Ghassan K. Omar

    Ghassan K. Omar


    One of the best hotels I have been in my life. Highly recommanded.

  • Hazem Radwan

    Hazem Radwan


    Great resort to stay in Hurghada. This is the place if you search for relax and comfort. Nice staff (fun and hospitable), Wonderful animation team and Great service and environment. It shows its age, but carries it gracefully. The rooms are not perfect, but they are very clean and have a unique charm to them. The resort is 'cottage' style but needs updating and maintenance There is surf center as well as a diving center That they have house reef in swimming distance from the resort so you can do snorkeling. Easy access to activities outside of the resort. Negative things : - Still using keys for rooms instead of cards...only get one key and has to be inserted in slot to turn on power. - Some services as diving are for Foreigners only. I highly recommend "Arabella Azur".

  • Erik Dockx

    Erik Dockx


    Nice hotel located @ Red Sea with one major beach and a smaller Reef beach area as well as a very small children beach. Very friendly waiters. Tip them at the beginning of your stay and they will make sure you get the treatment you want. Continental breakfast (5:00-7:00) is more the Egyptian way, don't expect too much. The Grill restaurant serves breakfast (9:00-11:00), lunch (12:30--15:00) and diner (19:00-23:00).

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