Arab Academy For Electronic & Information Technology Services i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenArab Academy For Electronic & Information Technology Services



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3 A Kamil El-Shinnawy Street Garden City، Qasr an Nile, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 27947388
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 30.0384295, Longitude: 31.2325782

kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Ditter

    Benjamin Ditter


    Arab Academy is a wonderful and effective way to learn Arabic. I have been a member since 2012 and have gone from a beginner in MSA and no dialect background to advanced in both MSA and Egyptian dialect. As with any language, you will need to put in the work and supplement with self-study/consistent use of their online platform, but the teachers are incredibly friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. I also did an intensive two week program at the school in Cairo in 2015 and it was truly an enjoyable and memorable experience.

  • en

    suehila smith


    Well, I've been a member of Arab Academy off and on, and I think that they are just great. They are organized and actually, there were the pioneers in the learning of Arabic online. I have seen them improve year after year. And now, they have a curriculum, and most of all, wonderful teachers that are sure to help you master the Arabic language. And some lessons cost a good amount per hour, but they offer a very reasonable package that includes live lessons. And everything is available 24/7 on the website. The teachers are also available 24/7 except during certain holidays. They are patient, prompt, helpful, and kind. And they do a great job of encouraging you and teaching Arabic. And the best part of it is the teachers, as one person has mentioned in the comments. It is a complete program. I recommend it highly.

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    Rebeca Haddad


    I highly recommend Arab Academy. Living far away from an Arab speaking community, having live online classes with native speakers is really helpful. I tried different methods to learn Arabic before and none have been as efficient as Arab Academy. I specially appreciate how meticulous yet effective they teach you step by step the language, starting with the alphabet which is the foundation of the language.

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    Andres Roman


    I've been with arabic academy for several years and I'm delighted. the platform allows to work all aspects of the language, it is very complete. But the best are the teachers.

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    Zak Abdi


    In my semester (4 months) at Arab Academy, I've gained a greater understanding of modern standard arabic and its intricacies. With a quiet, and safe location, and an incredibly friendly and patient faculty, as well as the many activities they organize to get students to mingle with one another, the Arab Academy makes for a great learning environment. If you want to learn Arabic, get immersed with the culture, and meet new people, I highly recommend this place.

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