Al Hambra Hotel i Luxor Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenAl Hambra Hotel


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El Halfa Street, Gezira El Bairat, West Bank، Al Bairat, Luxor, Luxor Governorate 99999, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 95 2315156
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Latitude: 25.707775, Longitude: 32.6307504

kommentar 5

  • eltayeb mohamed

    eltayeb mohamed


    Beautiful hotel ..amazing. .very great

  • Camille Wildburger

    Camille Wildburger


    This is a very lovely hotel with a great location in Luxor, Egypt. The interior is really nice and the food is excellent. I highly recommend staying here for a trip to Luxor, easy choice!!

  • Hazem Hassan

    Hazem Hassan


    Nice,quite and clean

  • Verónica López Arévalo

    Verónica López Arévalo


    I stayed here last february and the attention was really good. With our friends we LOVED the place.

  • en

    salah ahmed


    I searched online for quite a while looking for a nice hotel on Luxor's west bank and came to the conclusion that Alhambra hotel was it and boy was I NOT disappointed!! It is an extremely clean hotel with an incredibly friendly staff who will bend over backwards to ensure that your stay is as comfortable as possible. If you are on a budget and looking for a nice and clean place then this is it. I came alone this time but will definitely be back with my family!!

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