Steigenberger Cecil Alexandria i Alexandria Governorate

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EgyptenSteigenberger Cecil Alexandria



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16, خلف 15 شارع محطة شدس, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 3 4877173
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.20093, Longitude: 29.89846

kommentar 5

  • Ossama Tolba

    Ossama Tolba


    A classic stay in a gorgeous hotel. The hotel is an old building with renovations of all its amenities. With two cafe lounges and a night club, you can enjoy a relaxant stay. It is not meant for a seaside enjoyment, but for a lovely royal place to stay. In the middle of Alexandria city, you can reach any place in it very easily and comfortably.

  • en

    Munira Saleh


    This hotel located in the heart of Alexandria. The history of the hotel is the best part of it. Otherwise there is a lack of management. The people at the entrance are lacking in attitude. Not the policeman, but the one who secures the bags. Keeping telling people happy new year repeatedly which means give me money. We were planning to have a cup of tea at the cafe. But couldn't stay

  • Sherif Mansour

    Sherif Mansour


    Steigenberger Cecil Hotel is av fantastic old hotel in a very central location in Alexandria. The historic hotel with its neo_Islamic style offers different size rooms with renovated antique furniture. The visitors can enjoy dinning in the restaurant with its nice view overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and one of the most famous squares in Alexandria,

  • karan vora

    karan vora


    Good old Victorian style German hotel with a great sea view. Good options for breakfast and is located right on the seafront. The location is such that it's accessible from nearby famous local shops. Though keep in mind it's old style built is early 90s, well maintained but the rooms can be dimly lit.

  • Joachim Lau

    Joachim Lau


    Great old hotel with old style flair. The breakfast buffet is very good! It is served from 6-10am and comes with an overnight stay. Our room was clean and tidy. And came with everything you need in a hotel. If you don't like a noisy sleep environment this hotel is probably not for you. Even though the windows block a lot of the traffic noise and constant honking, it doesn't filter all of it. The view however is phantastic If your room faces the harbour.

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