Room Art Space & Cafe i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenRoom Art Space & Cafe



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10, Etehaad Al Mohamin, Qasr an Nile, Cairo Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 100 068 1539
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Latitude: 30.0354047, Longitude: 31.2313463

kommentar 5

  • Tamer Al Wageeh

    Tamer Al Wageeh


    Nice place , friendly staff, prices if not a member is a little bit higher than average prices , but the quality of drinks and food are good, nice concerts and evening activity, strongly recommended.

  • Reem Fouad

    Reem Fouad


    My first experience at Room Art was Karoake night on Mondays and I have been addicted ever since. The place is really cool, the people working there are so friendly and helpful, and just the overall vibe will get you addicted. I sang my heart out with a couple of strangers- now friends- and even though I won't run for Arab's got talent anytime soon, it was a real blast. Check their daily events as they hold live shows and game nights but please try Karaoke night too, you won't regret it. The only bad thing about this place is that smoking is allowed and it gets a little stuffy so yeah if you're sensitive to smoke, you might not like that.

  • Lady D

    Lady D


    Cosy place with good service yet smoking is indoors... Very small if the band is big. Polite staff and variety of activities.. Parking hard.

  • en

    Sherif Khairy


    One of the best hang out spots in Cairo. The food and drinks are pretty average, but the vibe is what makes this place good. There's a live performance almost every night, as well as karaoke nights, and board games. A loud place to work or study, not that people don't do it. But it's a great place to hang out or have a fun musical or cultural night.

  • Kendra Solo

    Kendra Solo


    Very well managed place. Changes and renovations have been going on, but the menu and prices are mostly the same (hot food was better when it was prepared in the small kitchen vs. the display case/reheating technique they use now.) Owner is usually around and is really nice. Great place to do work during the day, when there isn't an event going on. For nonsmokers, it may be tough, the non-smoking section is in the same room. All of the events are great, with local artists and bands, movie night too! Definitely worth a visit.

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