Pyramisa Suites Hotel Cairo i محافظة القاهرة‬

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EgyptenPyramisa Suites Hotel Cairo



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60, شارع الدقى, Cairo, محافظة القاهرة‬, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 33367000
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Latitude: 30.0379033, Longitude: 31.2179434

kommentar 5

  • Khalid Elachi

    Khalid Elachi


    Great location near Old Cairo and tourist attractions. The conference rooms had everything needed and staff was very accommodating in making sure all went smoothly. Staff were friendly and made sure the group was taken care of. Rooms were nicer than average with clean space and ample room.

  • en

    navedq Qureshi


    Breakfast menu is static and does not offer wide selection. We had the same fruit last 3 days which was just melon and nothing esle. The rooms need regeneration as locks don't work, Drain blocked, walls need painting carpets need a clean. We switched 3 rooms to get on e that was just ok. Staff helpful but rooms let the business down.

  • en



    This company has great potential but I think the management and ownership is very poor. The water cutoff in the hotel so I left, and booked another place. They refunded me remaining days with no problem. My main complaints are of the building seems like it’s aging and not well maintained - both electricity and water cutoff during my stay. The employees and staff are great but it’s clear the owners are in la la land and don’t know how to up keep their assets. My wife and I also bought a brand new flat built by the same pyramisa group, within months plumbing in the entire compound began to fail. Their company is a disaster, I highly recommend you stay away from this hotel or any pyramisa products. Save your hard earned money and spend it with a company that deserves your business.

  • en

    Rob Shields


    Satisfactory to good. Modern building. Starting to show its age (1970s?) but perfectly acceptable. Rooms clean. Slightly finicky wifi but free in rooms. Good breakfast. Secure. Good location.

  • Nasser Butt

    Nasser Butt


    Good Hotel but??? Restaurant service is very poor. We had half board and Just one dish served to everyone all night long. Gets cold and hard very soon. Breakfast is good service. The tourist operator stationed at the hotel is rip off expensive and the tours end up being rubbish and rip off against promise. Your drivers soon take you off tour to shopping traps where they earn further commissions. Book your excursions independently or catch taxi to sites. Avoid normal taxis at rip off prices and instead use Uber cars.

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