Mansoura University Hotel i Dakahlia Governorate

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EgyptenMansoura University Hotel


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El Gomhouria Street, 11432, الدقهلية, Dakahlia Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 50 2373827
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Latitude: 31.0449174, Longitude: 31.3516716

kommentar 5

  • Sameh Eissa

    Sameh Eissa


    Very bad hotel rooms , none professional staff , broken furniture , no towels at the bathroom

  • Muhammad Zaki

    Muhammad Zaki


    Very poor service, the rooms and even the toilets without tissues

  • en

    John Iscandarian


    This hotel used to be the Ramada Hotel in Mansoura City. It's run by the Mansoura University administration. The place has a gorgeous view on the Nile and is clean. However, food is not the best and service rather poor. Update: Dec 10, 2017 Signs of deterioration are increasing: poor quality shower gel, no shampoo, no hair conditioner, poor toilet soap, cheap toilet paper, broken toilet paper holder, worn out and greying curtains, noisy lifts, loose wall sockets, single towel hanging unfolded behind the bathroom door. On the positive side, new plumbing fixtures installed.

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    Emad A


    Was a real bad experience. So dirty rooms, unprofessional staff and so bad furniture. I will never return back or recommend the hotel to anyone. I've paid for 4 rooms and couldn't sleep one minute so I decided just to leave at the same evening lefting all what I paid fully.

  • en

    Mo Sherif


    To start with, I was only forced to stay here for family issues. If you have the choice, don't come here. Oh god, where do I start? When I came, I was carrying quite a lot of luggage, and when the hotel staff saw me, they didn't even help. It doesn't help that the road entrance to the hotel is blocked. I had an hour delay just because they were unprofessional enogh to tidy up my room, even though I informed them 4 days before I came. I say tidy up my room, it wasn't even clean! The bedsheets had enormous dirt stains, the curtains were full of small red stains which I would assume is from previous customers killing flies on them, but most disgusting of all, the bathroom was an utter disgrace. There was hair on the floor and on the toilet base, yes hair. The hygiene in this hotel is a joke. About the breakfast buffet, don't even think about going there once. The food is so limited and cold, the buffet hall is completely bombarded with flies and mosquitos, and the chef is so unhygienic, he was -no joke- pickling his nose!!! I even had a flie jump into my juice, which by the way, tastes of sewage water. I also found a hair strand in my mashed potatoes, which is definitely not mine. The plates are dirty with stuck food particles, and greasy. The table cloths are stained as well. After the first day, I just bought some cheese and bread from the local store, and completely discarded the buffet. The hotel neighbours do not improve matters. People smoke in the reception. Sometimes, some room neighbours leave their food delivery boxes outside their doors, which attracts insects, and is overall, inappropriate. The only positives in this hotel are the view and location, the air conditioner which operates perfectly, and the fact that it was a place that I could stay in till I had to go. I would still not advice you to come here except for a very necessity, like in my case, specially considering the price you would be paying.

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