Luxor Museum i Luxor Governorate

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EgyptenLuxor Museum



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Kornish Al Nile, Luxor, Luxor Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 95 2370569
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Latitude: 25.7076132, Longitude: 32.6445491

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Elsner

    Daniel Elsner


    Well maintained museum. Not very big but lots of nice pieces and descriptions. Cafeteria was closed when I went, may only open when very busy.

  • Egypt Sunset Tours

    Egypt Sunset Tours


    Wonderful place and very well organised. You can go around the artefacts easily. The museum provides enough infos about each of the artifact

  • Vinod Kumar

    Vinod Kumar


    Good collection, very aesthetically displayed, no crowds. There is a good bookshop and a cafeteria. Multiple visits are good. 50 EGP for the ticket for camera. The best way is to buy a Luxor pass from the office adjacent to museum which will give you unlimited access for five days to all archeological sites and museums for 160 USD per person. If you buy a similar Cairo pass at 80 USD from Cairo museum, you will get a 50% reduction in Luxor. For persons below thirty with a valid student identity card, there is a reduction of 50% as well. The omnipresent Egyptian culture of "Baksheesh" is here. Even for showing the water closet they will ask for it. Worst part is that they are not satisfied, whatever you pay, they will ask for more. Don't entertain people offering voluntary information and even if they ask for Baksheesh, firmly reject it. Nothing will happen.

  • en

    Mika Koivisto


    A must visit while in Luxor! Probably the best museum in the whole of Egypt. Beats Egyptian Museum of Cairo hands down. Leaving Egyptian Museum leaves you in disbelief of the sad state of the museum and the artifacts. Luxor Museum gives hope that all is not lost. The museum features well curated artifacts, the focus is on quality and not on quantity. It also has clear and sufficient descriptions on the pieces. A big plus is that it is open until lates, 9pm, so you can come here when the other sites have closed up. The museum also has a comprehensive book shop and a library. They have also a small movie theater playing a seven minute introductory piece. Only small minus is that for taking photos you need to pay 50 pounds more or face a fine. They are actually monitoring this by security cameras, you have been warned.

  • en

    Boyo Ockinga


    The Luxor Museum is an absolute jewels that every visitor to Luxor should visit. The permanent exhibition includes many masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art that are well displayed. For those who have been there before it is always worth visiting again because there are regular new exhibitions presenting new finds made by missions working in the area.

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