Grand Royal Motel i QH

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EgyptenGrand Royal Motel


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Talaat Harb Square, No. 01 ميدان طلعت حرب, Bab Al Louq, Abdeen, QH, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 23934684
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Latitude: 30.0473172, Longitude: 31.2385471

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yusuf S Mannan


    A good cozy place at the heart of Cairo. Located at a old building at Talab Harb Square. Basic amenities. Rooms are fine with AC. Bathroom ok but without door lock. Reception is of lot of help in providing tours, taxi and currency exchange. Good for short stays.

  • en

    Nuit Blanche


    My partner and I stayed here for 2 nights and had a lovely stay. The atmosphere is personal, friendly, and quiet. The place was clean, service was good. Would definitely recommend, and would book again.

  • Usman Uttanwala

    Usman Uttanwala


    Best Location. Value pricing. had a lovely view of the city. Spacious room.

  • Umesh bellimuthan

    Umesh bellimuthan


    Really very good place to stay in Cairo. In the heart of the city and you have access to everything you need. Especially the staff are lovely. Madeline is an absolute sweet heart 😇

  • Osama Ettouney

    Osama Ettouney


    This is my third year staying at this quaint and delightful hotel in historic down town Cairo, Egypt! After retiring from teaching at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, I started spending winters in my original hometown of Cairo ... I come just about mid December and leave in June. I stay two weeks in Cairo and two weeks in Alexandria. In Cairo, the Hotel Grand Royal has become my home, away from home ... I love it! It has a perfect location, Talat Harb Square, near from Tahrir Square and the Metro Station. The accommodation is perfect, staff is truly friendly, and the environment is low key and relaxed. Now that I am regular I have the same room, with which I bonded. A great place to be.

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