Falak Book Store i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenFalak Book Store



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7, Gamal Al Din Abou Al Mahasen, Qasr an Nile, Cairo Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 109 589 5850
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 30.03717, Longitude: 31.233138

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sherif Khairy


    A nice and cosy place to hang out, work, or study. It can get very busy and a bit loud but not over the top. Food and drinks are OK, but that's not why you really go there. Outdoor area is good when the weather's nice, for but hot days are not going to be that comfortable indoors or outdoors.

  • Tony Vasseur

    Tony Vasseur


    Great spot. Kinda bobo. Cappucino is superb. Service is slow. Waiters friendly.

  • Kendra Solo

    Kendra Solo


    Nice cafe for food and drinks. Most of their artwork or decorations are for sale and rotate. The entry room is packed full of stuff to buy. Slow service at times, but the staff is really lovely and accommodating.

  • Omar Khalil

    Omar Khalil


    Nice place to hangout in. Very arabic themed setting with old arabic music playing. Good spot to work on your laptop or read a book as it's generally quiet. Service there is kind of slow, since there is only one waiter and their menu is pretty basic.

  • Mohamed Sultan

    Mohamed Sultan


    It is a very nice and cozy place for those who are looking for a work space in downtown. There a space for smokers but outside the book store in the garden. You can buy some new and second hand books with very reasonable prices. The service is relatively good, and the offer some drinks such as tea and coffee, etc.

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