Cityscape Mall i Giza Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenCityscape Mall



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Al Mehwar Al Markazi, Giza Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 2 38245055
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.9628485, Longitude: 30.9269427

kommentar 5

  • en

    Reham Sayed


    V good place for having good time with a friend or with family for having shopping and coffee break

  • en

    hamdy ahmed


    Nice mall .. not the best but still have some good stores

  • Halim Morgan

    Halim Morgan


    A good place where you can take your kids and family or friends and have fun in cinema or shopping or ice skating or fun land for kids and youth including bowling and vr games with great prices also places for cafes and grosser like Spence and panda hyper market beside and morshedy for home stuff

  • Omarovsky Dyaàovich

    Omarovsky Dyaàovich


    The mall is quite nice, the amenities could use some attention. But overall, a good place to relax and have some fun.

  • Shehab Saed

    Shehab Saed


    This is a good place for gathering and having fun. Easier to reach compared to other malls in the city. I recommend you not to go early because the mall opens a little late, unless you are going to Starbucks, they are 24/7

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