Bel Air Azur Resort i Red Sea Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EgyptenBel Air Azur Resort


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Qesm Hurghada, Red Sea Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20 65 3615500
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Latitude: 27.241713, Longitude: 33.843448

kommentar 5

  • Mido Elbob

    Mido Elbob


    Quite place to relax and a good place for snorkeling.... helpful staff .. and has a good animation team

  • Omar El-Khatib

    Omar El-Khatib


    The place is amazing with all amenities available. It is quite (as it is adults only), has it's own pool with access to the beach through their sister hotel, the staff is great and helpful and the food was amazing. They have a different activity everyday and also the food changes to keep things fresh. Overall, a great experience that will definitely be repeated.

  • en

    A Mamdou7


    A nice hotel on el bahr/cornishe street near sakala square which have all kinds of shops and services. It has a Very reasonable price/night, nice, helpful polite staff, the hotel isa clean specialy the pool and quit as it is adults only. The rooms are good with a big area but with old furniture and the bath foom has no shampoo or body lotion. This hotel share the facilities of another hotel ( arabia azur) for free.

  • en

    Mohamed Sherif


    Verry good sttaf thanx alot

  • Mazen Hendy

    Mazen Hendy


    This can be a fantastic place, if all staff members get trained and disciplined to be at the same professional level. Food and beverage hygiene is another problem. Animation team sucks. Most of staff members were amazing. Rooms were spacious, well-lit and lovely.

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