Bab El-Wazir Cemetery i Cairo Governorate

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EgyptenBab El-Wazir Cemetery


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Salah Salem, El-Darb El-Ahmar, Cairo Governorate, EG Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20
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Latitude: 30.0358192, Longitude: 31.2633519

kommentar 5

  • en

    Youssef Yehia



  • Boat Angel

    Boat Angel


    This is a fine place where many have had their last rest.

  • Ms. Melissa Balan

    Ms. Melissa Balan


    The cemetery, which is part of sprawling City of the Dead, is intriguing. Not a place you can wander alone though. You must go with a guide who knows his or her way around. There are a number of important historic sites in here, but take a guide!

  • Ahmad Ali

    Ahmad Ali


    I went to this historical cemetery. ♥ Islamic Cairo.

  • Mohamed Qotb

    Mohamed Qotb


    the park itself has great potentials, however the people and the view are super bad! imagine a park that has a view on slams, the other view on a factory! but of course at the lake the view is a lot better, you can clearly see the castle

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