Al-Shohadaa i Cairo Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Al Gayarah, Al Azbakeyah, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
kontakter telefon: +20
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Latitude: 30.0610714, Longitude: 31.2460506

kommentar 5

  • Marvin Wan

    Marvin Wan


    It's a quite crowed metro station. You can go to a lot of central area of Cairo.

  • en

    bassem reda


    Very crowded station main staion contain intersection between first and secound line Previously known as mubarek After january revolution changed. Also known as ramses as the previous location for ramsis square.

  • Mohamed Gebaly

    Mohamed Gebaly


    Central metro station AL shohada ( Mubarak Previously)( known locally as Ramses) Cairo Metro station line 1 & line 2 From there you can reach Egypt train station & the main bus station ( Ahmed Halmy)

  • Essam Tarek

    Essam Tarek


    The station is located in a good place which is easy to be reached by everyone; tourists or natives. It can be used to go many different places and exchange between metro lines. ** The station is overcrowded because of it's location

  • Steven Philip

    Steven Philip


    Good station because you can exchange to other metro lines easily from it, or reach Cairo subway in few minutes. Also good one if you want to take other transport means since you can simply go to any place in Cairo from Ramses square. Just try to avoid this station during rush hour!

nærmeste Metrostation

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